The most important question to ask when buying a cookbook is not "does it have lots of pretty pictures." This is not a coffee table..
Any good cook knows that it is worth going to great lengths for the right recipe. But with the right recipe management system, you will..
For Easter, I made french onion soup with vegetable broth instead of the beef broth called for in the recipe. Was the flavor totally off?..
A friend once told me she loved to try new recipes. But that was the only way she cooked. She would make something once, but..
When I shop at the market, I have a quasi compulsive need to check out as many vendors as possible before making my purchases. I..
Having only taken a few, highly specific ethnic cooking courses, reading recipes is actually the main way that I have learned how to cook. In..
Having only taken a few, highly specific ethnic cooking courses, reading recipes is actually the main way that I have learned how to cook. In..
This whole idea of learning to cook from the Fannie Farmer, Betty Crocker, and Julia Childs of the world at your own convenience, at home,..
Epicurious changed my friend's marriage. One day, she started cooking almost exclusively using their recipes, and her husband was so delighted by the amazing things..
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