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Once upon a time, in an apartment far, far away . . .

The 30 Minute Dinner Party began one summer when my fiance abandoned me to go tango dancing in Buenos Aires for a month. I had a bountiful farm share, friends over for dinner often, and a lot of extra time on my hands.

I had been thinking of starting a blog for years, but no topic had inspired me enough. I believe it was my oft cooking muse and general butt-kicker Jess who pointed out at I cook and entertain all the time. Duh. Lightbulb.

So . . . Dinner Parties?

Yeah, why not? Well, actually here is why.

Several years ago I discovered that the best way to find great food is to make it yourself. Sorry restaurants, but you cost money and can be disappointing.

Inviting someone to dinner, welcoming them into your home, and preparing a meal for them is an amazing way to connect. I haven’t found anything like it.

But You Were Asking About the Blog

So please click around and find out more. Like how I think dinner parties can save the world (or at least Western societies eating problems).

What You Will See Here

Everything you need to know to have a dinner party. Basically. But, you know, added slowly over time.

Every week I put up a new dinner menu with accompanying recipes. Sometimes I do special things for the holidays. But I make sure that you have what you need, whether that is cooking tips, cookbooks and online resources, or wine tips.

Enjoy! And please let me know what you think at gabi at 30minutedinnerparty dot com. I look forward to it!