When my best friend comes to town, we always end up making tapas. Spanish food is very appealing on its own, but tapas and tostas..
How you know you're not in Kansas anymore: the gentleman at the table next to you is chomping on cut of meat that looks like..
Do these beans look familiar? There is a certain something about them . . . a little deja vous. They do look a bit like..
I recently read that Spaniards will give you the evil eye if you don't have jamon on your plate. But I think that if you..
Tapas have become a bit of a fad in the U.S. of late. I have seen "tapas" restaurants touting all manner of Italian, Middle Eastern,..
Looking more like a shot you would order in a bar than in a cafe, the café bombón is a delicious after dinner treat –..
When I need to make appetizers, I make this dish. When I have to go to a pot luck, I make this dish. When I..
I missed out on gazpacho for many years because I thought it was boring and over-done. With the exception of a green zebra tomato gazpacho..